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Privacy Policy 

Xotic gear (herein after referred to as “the Company”) regards the privacy of users as highly important and complies with all regulations concerning the “Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection Law”

By stating its privacy policy as shown below, the Company hereby informs users of the purpose and use of personal information provided by the user to the Company, and the measures taken for the protection of their personal information.

Personal information collected and the means of collection

A. Information we collect

• The Company collects the following data for the purpose of membership sign-ups, consultations, and service applications.

When signing up for membership: Name, birthday, gender, ID, password, home phone number, mobile number an e-mail. 

When applying for services: Address, payment information

• Information collected through use of online services or the processing process: use record, access log, cookies, connecting IP information, payment record, unruly use, and others.

B. Means of collecting personal information

• Personal information is collected through the website, letter, message boards, e-mail, event entries, delivery request forms, phone, fax, and generated data collection tool.

【Purpose of collection and use of personal information】

The Company collects personal information for the following purposes and use.

• Provision of services obligated by fulfillment of contract and the payment that follows:

Supply content, purchase and payment, delivery of goods, billing statements and others, user verifications for financial transactions and financial services.

• Member management

Identify user to access members-only services, verify user, prevent unauthorized use, check membership subscription.

• Marketing and promotional use

【Period of possession and utilization of personal information】

As a general rule, once the personal data has fulfilled the purposes for which they were collected, they are to be immediately discarded. Except for the grounds for holding personal information according to applicable statutes that will be retained for certain periods

【Disclosing personal information】

As a general rule, the Company shall not disclose user’s personal information to any external party except for the cases below. 

• Prior consent from user

• Following the legislation rule or when law enforcement agencies require such information for investigative purposes during the process as prescribed by the law.

【Consignment of collected personal information】

For the provision of services, the Company consigns collected personal information to delivery companies and payment gateway providers.

【Install, manage and deny operation of device for automatic collection of personal information】

The Company uses ‘cookies’ that frequently save and retrieve your information. A cookie is a very small text file that the server, used to operate the Company’s website, sends to your browser. The file is saved in the hard disk of your computer.

The Company uses cookies for the following purposes:

• Use and purpose of cookies

To analyze the frequencies of a member and non-member’s visit, understand user’s preferences and interests and track user’s footprints, and carry out target marketing and provide customized service by checking level of participation in various events and number of visits.

You have the right of choice in regards to the installation of cookies. Accordingly, you may allow all cookies by modifying your cookie settings, go through a confirmation process whenever a cookie is saved, or refuse to have all cookies saved.

• Settings to reject establishment of cookies

To reject establishment of cookies, select options on your web browser and change your settings to allow all cookies, go through a verification process before saving cookies, or reject to save all cookies.

However, there may be certain difficulties in using the services if you reject the installment of cookies.

【Duty to notify】

The Company shall notify users of any changes to this privacy policy through the website and will post any updated privacy policies on this page. 


Xotic gear所經營相關網站

包括但不限於:Xotic gear (https://www.xoticgear.com),本公司十分重視您的隱私權保護,將依個人資料保護法及本隱私權政策蒐集、處理及利用您的個人資料,並提供您對個人資料權利之行使與保護。




蒐集單位:Xotic gear-蒐集目的:提供本公司相關服務、行銷、契約、類似契約或其他法律關係事務、客戶管理與服務、網路購物及其他電子商務服務、廣告和商業行為管理業務、以及經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務。-溫馨提醒:網際網路並不是一個安全的資訊傳輸環境,請您在使用本網站時,切勿公開透露您個人資料,因該資料有可能會被他人蒐集和使用,特別是網路上公開的發言場合,如聊天室、留言版,更應避免發表個人身份、密碼或電子郵件等相關個人資料。



當您完成購物流程或參加其他活動時,網站會要求您登錄個人資料,以便完成交易與相關服務。為了保障各位會員權益,第一次光臨本網站消費的顧客,只要確認完成交易後,即會自動升級為會員。請確認您所提供的個人資料真實準確,本公司不會承擔您資料中所提供不準確或不完整資訊所造成之損害或錯誤,此 將須自行負責。-如果您拒絕提供個人資料,可能無法充分利用本網站某些服務。請妥善保管您的會員帳號及密碼,不要將上述資料提供給任何人或允許任何人以您的個人資料申請或使用帳號、密 碼,本公司不會承擔任何不當使用密碼之責任。如果您與他人共用電腦或使用公共電腦,請記得關閉瀏覽器,以防他人看到上述資料取得您帳號的方法。-訂閱電子報只需提供Email帳號,使用者想取消訂閱,可聯繫相應網站之客服協助取消訂閱。






依個人資料保護法第3條規定,您就您的個人資料享有查詢或請求閱覽、請求製給複製本、請求補充或更正、請求停止蒐集、處理或利用、請求刪除之權利。您可以透過寄送電子郵件至(info@xoticgear.com 或 xoticgear@gmail.com)(為避免電子郵件系統漏信或其他原因無法收悉,以本公司回覆收悉為準)方式行使上開權利,本公司將於收到您的請求後,儘速處理。但因本網站執行職務、業務所必須,以及依相關法令規定,必須存檔備查之交易資料,不在此限。






本公司有權隨時修改本隱私政策及本網站各項內容之權利,將於網站同一位置公告更改聲明外,不會再對會員進行個別通知。若您對本隱私權保護政策有任何問題或不同意該等變更或修改,可利用電子郵件( info@xoticgear.com 或 xoticgear@gmail.com)直接與本公司聯繫或停止使用本網站服務。

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